Overcoming Environmental Pollution Due to Waste from the Soun Noodle Processing Industry


  • Jeannetha Alberthine Duke University




Pollution is not only caused by large and medium scale industries, but can also be caused by small-scale industries, one of which adalahindustri glass noodles noodles which also produces liquid waste and solid waste. The problem in this research are: How is control environmental pollution caused by the production of cottage industry "soun noodles" in the district of Klaten regency Tulung, and What are the constraints experienced in the process of controlling environmental pollution caused by the production of cottage industry "soun noodles" in the district of Klaten regency Tulung. This research is empirical laws, the data obtained through interviews with respondents and informants, and supported by secondary data. Waste Liquid emanating from the exhaust process chlorine and solid waste in the form of starch fibers discharged into rivers, causing pollution of river water. In this case the maximum BLH not deal with the issue because of the lack of supervision and bugdet. Most of the small-scale glass noodles noodle industry, and are not required to have TDI, so that apart from oversight. In addition, the socialization of the impact of industrial activities on the environment pollution is not maximized, due to limited funding and the number of officers BLH. Based on these results, it recommends that the Office of the investments and unified licensing and BLH should be continuous monitoring and counseling to perpetrators of the business activities and BLH encourage businesses to conduct joint IPAL


