Implementation of the Role the Prosecution Regarding Confidentiality Assets of Corruption as an Efforts of Return Losses to the State (Kejaksaan Tinggi Dan Kejaksaan Negeri Parigi Moutong, Sulawesi Tengah)
Confiscation, Assets, Corruption ConvictsAbstract
Confiscating the assets of those convicted of corruption is a proactive measure to prevent the transfer or loss of assets that are ultimately determined by the court to be confiscated as compensation for financial losses incurred by the state due to corruption. In practice, asset confiscation frequently encounters challenges, including the transfer or concealment of assets by convicted individuals. As a result, courts often find that the remaining assets of corruption convicts are insufficient to recover the full extent of state losses. This research focuses on two critical issues: (1) the mechanisms employed by the Central Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office and the Parigi Moutong District Prosecutor's Office in implementing the confiscation of assets from corruption convicts as an effort to recover state losses, and (2) the significant barriers faced by the Central Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office in carrying out asset confiscations. Using an empirical research method, this study aims to identify successful mechanisms, such as strategies for tracking and securing assets preemptively, and to highlight key barriers, including legal loopholes, lack of inter-agency coordination, and resource constraints. The findings are expected to provide actionable insights into improving asset confiscation processes and overcoming obstacles to maximize the recovery of state losses. The results of this study will be published in a nationally accredited journal to contribute to the broader discourse on effective corruption prevention and recovery efforts.