Case Study Of Layoffs Of Pt Masterindo Jaya Abadi Vs 1142 Employees


  • Monica Rosalind Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta
  • Gunardi Lie Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta



This research was conducted to increase the knowledge of university officials, the academic community, and readers by providing information about settlement procedures in the event of a dispute in industrial relations. The research method used in this study is juridical normative based on secondary data in the form of applicable laws and regulations and jurisprudence. Industrial relations is a system of relations formed between actors in the production process of goods and/or services consisting of elements of entrepreneurs, workers/laborers, and the government based on the value of Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. The position of workers/workers is lower than employers or employers, in this case it is necessary to intervene from the government to provide legal protection. Legal protection is intended with the aim that in employment relations there can be guaranteed justice and protection of human rights (workers), both of which are the objectives of legal protection itself. A fixed-time work agreement is an employment agreement made that is binding on contract employees and freelancers and an indefinite-time work agreement is an employment agreement made that is binding on employees that is binding on permanent employees who do not have a validity period. This research contributes in order to increasing awareness from university officials, the academic community, and readers regarding procedures for resolving a dispute in industrial relations and provide advice on the positive impact of making an employment agreement.


